Supporting Adults with Autism

Do not lose hope! With effective treatment (e.g. ABA) and support, individuals with Autism can also be successful going into adulthood. ICan-B Asia is proud to be one of the co-organizers in the upcoming Autism conference on March 23rd 2019. Dr. Jose Davila from ICan-B will also be presenting as the keynote speaker at the conference.


不要放棄希望!通過有效的訓練和治療(e.g. ABA),患有自閉症的人士也可以取得成功!ICan-B Asia很高興可以成為三月二十三日[香港自閉症研討會]其中一個舉辦團體,而且Dr. Jose Davila也會代表ICan-B作為這次研討會的主題講員。…/bkn-20190308093054557-0308_00982_001.html